Health Blogs

Read some of our experts’ contributions on health, and why it is such a cardinal aspect of one’s wealth.


Coaching discussion between two people
The importance of living a balanced life for mental wellness

The importance of living a balanced life for mental wellness

Living a balanced life is essential for achieving optimal mental wellness. Mental wellness refers to the state of being emotionally and psychologically healthy, which is crucial for a fulfilling life. This essay discusses the importance of living a balanced life for mental wellness. It highlights the various aspects of life that require balance, including physical, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects.

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Your essential 2023 start

Your essential 2023 start

A lifestyle assessment, is the ideal way to start your New Year. Find out why a process of evaluating all aspects of one’s life provides a great start in 2023.

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The busy man’s quick nutrition guide

The busy man’s quick nutrition guide

It is definitely easier for men to drop some fat weight than it is for ladies. The reason is that men have a higher muscle mass than women in general and a higher muscle mass makes fat burning much easier.

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10 Small steps to improve your health

10 Small steps to improve your health

Many of us make health-related resolutions, such as to lose weight, stop smoking or join the neighborhood health club. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could do more for our health.

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Food allergy vs food intolerance

Food allergy vs food intolerance

It is important to note that symptoms of food intolerance takes some time to develop. Often these symptoms can be be very vague ranging from a migraine to stomach-ache.

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DNA Analysis and nutrigenomics

DNA Analysis and nutrigenomics

By making use of genetic testing and incorporating nutrigenomics we now have a whole and complete systemic approach that identifies certain risk factors that may predispose us to the development of disease.

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What is sport

What is sport

What is Sport made up of that we sacrifice time, money and energy into it sometimes without even thinking twice? And can we live without it?

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