Self-Leadership in the Age of AI

Self-Leadership in the Age of AI

Self-leadership is crucial in the Age of AI. To succeed in a turbulently evolving world, the wisdom of the likes of Simon Sinek, Patrick Lencioni, Daniel Goleman, Jennifer Kahnweiler, and Edward de Bono may seem simplistic but still hold true.

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The Importance of Making a Decision

The Importance of Making a Decision

Making a decision is an important part of our lives. It is a process that requires careful consideration and analysis of different options. This blog explores the importance of making a decision and provides a guide on how to make the right decision. The blog emphasises the need to consider all the available options, gather information, and evaluate the pros and cons of each option. It also highlights the importance of making a decision based on one’s values, goals, and priorities. The blog concludes by emphasising the need to take action and accept responsibility for the outcomes of our decisions.

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The importance of living a balanced life for mental wellness

The importance of living a balanced life for mental wellness

Living a balanced life is essential for achieving optimal mental wellness. Mental wellness refers to the state of being emotionally and psychologically healthy, which is crucial for a fulfilling life. This essay discusses the importance of living a balanced life for mental wellness. It highlights the various aspects of life that require balance, including physical, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects.

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Your essential 2023 start

Your essential 2023 start

A lifestyle assessment, is the ideal way to start your New Year. Find out why a process of evaluating all aspects of one’s life provides a great start in 2023.

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What you accept becomes your future

What you accept becomes your future

We understand each others personalities and love languages, we have date nights. We respect for each other and we don’t take chances at the other persons expense. We share the same value system and we are very aligned with our outlook on life.

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How do you define success?

How do you define success?

>People like Richard Branson come to mind when we refer to wealth, he says “that success is about happiness,” Warren Buffet values relationships above all else and Maya Angelou believed that success is about enjoying your work.

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Winning in tough times

Winning in tough times

Stop sweating the small stuff is another great lesson. When life is tough and circumstances are not as they should be, cut yourself some slack.

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Your past is not your future

Your past is not your future

I was determined that I would love my life, I would explore the world. I would take up challenges, I would be a different kind of parent. I would create memories. I would not work the 40 year plan and die broke, taking all my dreams to the grave with me. lities.

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Practical ways to give your self-esteem a boost

Practical ways to give your self-esteem a boost

In my experience, over years of working with literally thousands of people, everyone suffers with some degree of poor self- esteem. Outwardly people ooze self – confidence but if you had to dig deep even the most secure person on occasion questions their abilities.

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Creativly avoiding conflict

Creativly avoiding conflict

So often conflict in the home, at the office, on the school playground and almost anywhere else, could be avoided if we looked to understand each other as individuals, as opposed to finding fault

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Fight for your life

Fight for your life

As a boxer, there is no other way to win than to fight for victory. Whether you win, lose, or draw as long as you’ve fought your best then you have achieved success. We all have an inherent nature of fighting within us. How we apply this skill is what determines the course of your life

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