The truly successful person exudes an aura of peace and fulfillment that is coveted by everyone who comes into contact with this extraordinary person. Such persons are our mentors or our coaches.
Our team of coaches at HWH will stretch your thinking, challenge you to face your fears and move you on and away from your self imposed barriers. They will add value to your life and teach you how to identify and maneuver your way past your limiting beliefs. They are experienced in identifying addictions, bad habits, poor self talk and will lose their expertise to transform your thinking so that as opposed to focusing on the negatives they will assist you to be the master of your destiny. They will steer you in a direction so that you will discover your gifts and your endless abilities. They will help you set goals and they will take you by the hand to ensure you achieve them.
Their role is support, encourage, motivate and inspire you to realise your full potential and to assist you to move on to become the best version of you that you could ever imagine. Each of our coaches at HWH are qualified in different areas but they all share one common denominator and that is their passion to help people lead better lives.
“If you treat a person the way he is, he will remain the way he is. If you treat a person the way he could be, he will grow into the person he should be”
Benefits of Life Coaching
It is common knowledge that there are many unhappy people in this world. This is evident in disfunctional families, poor working conditions, toxic relationships, financial woes and the like. The good news though, is that you do not need to be one of the statistics. You can be happy, you can be successful and you can love your life.
A coach can put you on the right path, they can help you understand how to change your thinking and how to get ahead. You are special, you are unique and you deserve to enjoy everything that the world has to offer.
The benefits you will gain from coaching include;
You will discover that your past is not your future. You are the captain of your ship.
You will understand the benefits of goal setting and how this simple exercise can move you in the direction of your dreams.
You will appreciate that you have so much potential that you are currently not using.
You will discover what is holding you back and how to break through these barriers to move onto a new life.
You will grow exponentially once you learn how to raise your self esteem.
You will have someone on your side, cheering you on all the way. An accountability partner.
Increased Self Esteem will also help you to move closer to Realising Your Full Potential.
- Clarity about what you want, why you want it and how you can get it.
- Bridging the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
- Strategies and techniques which facilitates you to reach your goal faster.
- Overcome obstacles, low confidence and insecurities.
- Explore and evaluate all possible options available.
- Dedicated time, support, encouragement and motivation.
Remember Life Coaching is an investment in yourself and it will benefit your entire life. If you have any questions please email me, or if you would like to book you coaching sessions and start moving forward straight away

You will discover that your past is not your future. You are the captain of your ship.
So much of a persons future and current lifestyle is based on their experiences of the past. We speak a certain language because of where we were born, we eat certain foods because that’s what we have been exposed to. We follow a certain religion since it is all we know.
We form a picture of what marriage should look like by the example of our parents. We often choose a career based on our financial situation or the level of our self esteem.
This is all good and well if our experiences have been positive. This however can be very damaging if you were raised in an abusive household, if one of our parents was an alcoholic, if money was always a problem, if there were no experiences to look forward to. This type of environment stifles our thinking, lowers our self esteem and sets us up for failure unless we learn to take charge of our own future and refuse to duplicate the past. This is one of the techniques you will be taught.
You will understand the benefits of goal setting and how this simple exercise can move you in the direction of your dreams.
You will discover that you will never have what you cannot see. You need to be able to have a picture for what it is you want in your life. You also need to put a plan of action in place to see how to get it.
You need to understand principles like that of Current Reality and the fact that Thoughts, Create Feelings, which determine our Actions. This ultimately leads to an end result that is either positive of negative.
You will appreciate that you have so much potential that you are currently not using.
Have you ever found yourself putting things off in your life because you are scared, feel you are too old, think you don’t have enough education. You make excuses around finances, time, circumstances etc. These are referred to as limiting beliefs.
These limiting beliefs result in us only using a fraction of our potential for fear of making a mistake, being ridiculed or worst of all, feeling like a complete failure.
In most cases our fears are unsubstantiated and carry no weight, however they are real for us. We explore how to change your thinking and to open your eyes to the fact that you capable of achieving so much more in your life than you are currently experiencing.
You will discover what is holding you back and how to break through these barriers to move onto a new life.
Have you every wondered why some people just seem to get ahead while others seem to stagnate. Have you noticed that some people share in amazing relationships while others battle to relate to others.
Do you envy the person who seems to have it all together? Are they different to you or do they just do things differently?
Do others have more potential than you or are they simply using the potential they have?
You will grow exponentially once you learn how to raise your self esteem.
In order to achieve your goal you need to take some actions, but which are the right ones for you? When working with your Life Coach, you will be introduced to tools that will help you discover more options than you thought were possible. You will be able to evaluate the pros and cons of each in relation to achieving your goal, but crucially to ensure that the action fits well with your values and beliefs and your whole life. You’ll be able to reach for more and maintain a balanced life while doing it. You’ll have more time for people and things you value, so you’ll feel more fulfilled.
You will have someone on your side, cheering you on all the way. An accountability partner.
Change is hard, change is uncomfortable, and change can be scary. However, change with the help of a coach can be invigorating. When we appreciate why we do the things we do, it can literally change our lives. We certainly must have some good habits but along life’s journey we have probably picked up a few not so good ones too.
Being willing to change can certainly improve relationships both at home and in the work place. Your growth will open up new job opportunities. You may be willing to commit to bigger goals and dreams. You could find yourself to be more outgoing, more confidant. You will be more inclined to explore what’s really possible for you to achieve.
Increased Self Esteem will also help you to move closer to Realising Your Full Potential.
Life Coaching is an investment in your future. It must be looked at as an opportunity to grow and excel in all areas of your life. It is a gift. The skills you will learn, will set you up to tackle your future. The process will provide you with the coping mechanisms you need, to deal with the tough times and to tackle your fears. Your participation in the process will make you stronger and wiser and should leave you feeling liberated.
twenty years from now
you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn’t do
than by the ones you did
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