Beating Worry & Anxiety

Beat worry and anxiety in 8 applicable modules

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What is Anxiety?

In this module we give you the basic understanding of anxiety. We take it slightly further and give you the more common types of anxiety disorders, and then end it with the understanding of the difference between anxiety and stress.

The Effects of Anxiety

We look at the more common effects of anxiety disorders, including sleep deprivation, physical effects, mental effects, and the socio-environmental impacts of anxiety on a person.

Simple Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety

These quick and easy techniques will take the edge off the worry and anxiety in your life. There are many ways to approach anxiety. The simplest methods are also the best.

Physical Methods for Combating Worry and Anxiety

Physical methods are mostly lifestyle changes. These changes are also beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing. It won’t just be your anxious mind that benefits, there are many physical benefits as well.


In this module we are going to look at perspective Your view of life and the world impacts what causes worry and anxiety. With a new perspective, you can eliminate many of the most common causes of anxiety and worry.
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This course is about

In this course we're going to take you through a step by step process on beating worry and anxiety, minimizing your stress which is a vital tool to building a powerful, rewarding, fulfilling life.

Julian de la Hunt

Julian de la Hunt is the Principal Director of i2i Africa, and has a background in business, high performance and behavioral psychology and entrepreneurship. His clients include professional sports teams, corporate executives, and more.

3 quick take-aways:

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Anxiety is under your control

In life there are two general approaches to dealing with worry and anxiety: A physical approach and a psychological approach. Both are worth doing.

You CAN choose a life of less worry

Your view of life and the world impacts what causes worry and anxiety. With a new perspective, you can eliminate the most common causes of anxiety.
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There are simple ways to manage anxiety

Sometimes simple strategies are enough. These quick and easy techniques will take the edge off the worry and anxiety in your life.

Gareth Hutchins

I loved that this course isn't just theory and could be applied to my life immediately.

Amanda Couvaras

Wow. What a powerful short course.

Hugo van der Bijl

In todays world this course is applicable to everyone.

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