Business Model Basics

Craft a brilliant business model in 9 simple steps

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Who do you serve?

Specificity in your customer avatar(s) determine who, and how, you approach.

Pick your problem

The song "I've got 99 problems" means you've got to pick one. Pick it, fix it.

Do you need to be the hero?

The idea behind business is linking problems with solutions. Is yours the only (right) solution?

Is the tree worth shaking?

Money, money, money... somebody has to pay. But is the money at the end worth the effort? We look at revenue strategies.

Can you turn it on its head?

Often the problems and solutions seem pretty complex... until you turn it around and look deeper with root cause analysis.
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And More...

Use the tools provided to get moving…

This course is about

Follow serial entrepreneur Theo Pistorius as he guides you through developing your own scaling business model, from objective and idea to execution and acceptance.

Theo Pistorius

Theo is an entrepreneur and business strategist with more than 15 years of entrepreneurial background. As a serial entrepreneur he has built businesses both locally and internationally, with 5 successful exits.

3 quick take-aways:

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Vision for success

Without a vision you'll hit every obstacle.

Strategize for growth

A vision isn't enough. You need to have a plan to move forward.
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Execute for results

Planning is great, but planning doesn't bring a result. It needs execution.

Gokul Nair

Theo's business teaching makes complex strategy super simple!

Dudley Jackson

I always thought business planning was tough, but his insights helped us turn our business around!

Erika Hattingh

Grab your pen, hold onto your hat, and get ready to be challenged... [it's] a no-holds barred whirlwind through your assumptions

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