The Millionaire Mindset

Learn a wealthy mindset for wealthy results

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Examine how the millionaire's mind works, and how their mindset differs from the general public's.

Money Myths

Tackle the myths around money, and put paid to some of the perceptions keeping you from wealth.

Abundance Mindset

Scarcity vs abundance... isn't it a matter of how much you have? Travers breaks down the illusion around it all being "how much you have" and highlights that it starts with how you perceive it.

Taking Action

Thinking isn't enough. Doing matters. Learn how millionaires act, and act upon, their ideas, problems... and situations.

Your Dreams are Waiting for YOU

Now the ball is in your court. We tackle simple, effective ways to apply our lessons in a day-to-day fashion.
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And More...

Use the tools provided to get moving…

This course is about

The mindset that millionaires approach wealth and time is significantly different from the usual. Join CA and MBA wealth planner Travers Cape on learning how to think like a millionaire.

Travers Cape

Travers is an innovative, strategic number-cruncher, as a Chartered Accountant with an MBA. He has worked across several industries including engineering, retail and construction, including in large multinationals.

3 quick take-aways:

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Start & End Right

Starting your day right sets you up for success. We'll look at a few simple habits to set you up for a millionaire's view.

Abundance Mindset

Thoughts lead actions. Therefore, ensuring your thoughts are bent towards abundance, you see more opportunities.
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Dreams take Action

Sitting around talking about your dreams doesn't make them come true. Abundant directed action leads to abundant results.

Claudia Law

So true. Money myths can really affect your wealth mindset.

Edward Dikobe

What a reminder. I am in total control of my own wealth.

Albert Verster

Great course to get your money mindset right.

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Get the course as part of the HWH Mastery Package

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