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‘Transitioning Genetic results into realistic health solutions
In the simplest of terms, nutrigenomics is the study and branch of genetic research of how foods affect our genes and how, in return, genetic variations affect the way we react to nutrients in foods.
If you remember learning about the human genome in biology class, you may recall that we all have around 3 billion DNA pairs living within our 23 pairs of chromosomes. While 98% of our genes are all the same, our protein-coding genes comprise of around 2% of your genome. It’s this small part (known as the exome) that contains the genes that define your unique traits, such as lactose sensitivity, lean muscles, or straight hair. These genes instruct your amino acid arrangements for proteins that create your traits.
So while we all have the same genes, we each have genetic variants that can impact what we look like, what we’re allergic to and what our bodies need to thrive. Through the studies of the human genome, researchers and scientists have discovered that different people respond in different ways to different diets because the variations in our DNA can have a significant impact on our metabolic efficiency, how or what causes us to lose or gain weight more and more.
We must remember that we cannot change our genetic make-up but we can change our lifestyle and habits.
By making use of genetic testing and incorporating nutrigenomics we now have a whole and complete systemic approach that identifies certain risk factors that may predispose us to the development of disease.
In short: The guesswork regarding your health is something of the past.
Nutrigenomics examines the relationship between what we eat and our risk response to disease and how our genetic make-up (genes) actually equips us in dealing with these risk factors and also sheds a tremendous amount of light on how we should change lifestyle and habits in order to ensure optimal health.
Nutrigenomic approaches are being applied to a wide range of conditions for example:
Risk of developing metabolic syndrome based on genetic variations and contingent on die/lifestyle. Identifying the link between gut flora, obesity and mental health. Correlations between specific nutrient intake and disease such as coffee and cardiac irregularities. Nutrigenomics could be leverages to offer personal interventions:
To identify, and provide supplements to poor metabolisers of folate to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects in pregnancy, or recommending a low fat diet versus low carbohydrate diet as the best way to loose excess weight.
Dr John John Lottering. MTech: Hom (Natal); Biopuncture; Nutrition. He is a professional who graduated from Durban University of Technology in 2001. He is an experienced homeopathic Doctor which has demonstrated a clear understanding of his patients and their needs and requirements with regards to their health. Since the start of his practice in 2004 he uses several therapies within his scope of practice ranging from nutritional counselling, herbal medicines, homeopathy, injection therapy and several more in order to assist his patient in experiencing optimal health. Dr Lottering further strongly believes in understanding and finding a medical diagnosis, but instead of treating the symptoms, he takes on a functional approach to find the solution as to why a problem is presenting itself.
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