Start growing today and build a better future
It’s never to late to learn. At HWH we believe in lifelong education, allowing everyone to transform and to ultimately realise their full potential. Learnings come in various forms, assessments, workshops, workbooks and learning management systems. Topics vary and cover a wide spectrum of teachings, some outside the formal education system. We look at ideas around Mindset, Finance, Health, Business & Relationships to name just a few.
Our course creators are able to equip a wide variety of learners, from the one on ones who wish to work on their own, to the corporate environment, where group sessions can be held. They have sound business knowledge and hands-on experience in their respective fields. One of the best attributes each creator brings to the table is their passion to make a difference.

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360º Lifestyle Assessment
At HWH we have a scientifically designed self assessment to give you a comprehensive understanding of where you are currently in your life.
The hwh assessment is based on a combination of Flanagan’s QLI, the SA Psychographic Array, the UNHCR Social Survey, The Qualtrics Life Goals, insights by Dr Marion A. Becker Ph. D. et al’s Quality of Life Assessment Project, the W-QLI, A-QLI and one or two questions by Jon Butcher. Scoring is an adoptive weighted system measuring by both answer and pre-classification
5 Habits of Leadership
Live The Best Year of Your Life
Applying Emotional Intelligence
Beating Worry and Anxiety
Social Anxiety to Socially Confident
Exercise and Eating Plans
Guiding Principles To Raise Healthy Kids
Millionaire Mindset
Building Your Personal Brand
Building a Powerful Team
Master Your Day
Partner Courses
Leading For Growth
Rising From Knockdowns
eBooks and Audios
More Titles & Categories Available
Happy New You
Breaking Free From Stress
A truly successful person exudes an aura of peace and fulfilment that is experienced by everyone that comes into contact them.
Our team of facilitators at HWH will stretch your thinking and challenge you to face your fears. They will help you identify self imposed barriers and limiting beliefs. They will help you overcome your fears and will add value to your life by teaching you how to maneuver your way around obstacles. They are experienced in identifying addictions, bad habits and poor self talk. They will use their expertise to transform your thinking so that as opposed to focusing on the negatives you will see your endless possibilities. You are after all the master of your destiny. They will steer you in a direction that will help you discover your gifts. They will take you through a goal setting process and then take you by the hand to ensure you achieve your desired outcome.
Their role is to support, encourage, motivate and inspire you to realise your full potential. They will move you on to become the best version of you that you could ever imagine. Each of our coaches at HWH are qualified in different areas but they all share one common denominator and that is their passion to help people lead better lives
get the best out of hwh
The secret to a success in any adventure is to take the first step. HWH has a unique learning platform that incorporates interesting and high-quality content, that is easy to apply in your life on a daily basis.
Association is another real key to success, hence the tribe and community events add to creating a great network of like minded people searching foor the ultimate in significance and success.

We have a scientifically designed self assessment to give you a comprehensive understanding of where you are currently in your life.
The hwh assessment is based on a combination of Flanagan’s QLI, the SA Psychographic Array, the UNHCR Social Survey, The Qualtrics Life Goals, insights by Dr Marion A. Becker Ph. D. et al’s Quality of Life Assessment Project, the W-QLI, A-QLI and one or two questions by Jon Butcher. Scoring is an adoptive weighted system measuring by both answer and pre-classification

It’s never to late to learn, at HWH we believe in lifelong education allowing each individual to transform and to ultimately realise their full potential. While the traditional education system restricts us to subjects and limits our choices, we offer teachings on a vast array of topics that are continually expanded on.

We are also excited about the fact that as part of each learning you will have access to a tribe, in short, a community of individuals with the same interests as you, a help line. While your learning is personal, you will have the backup of a team. Your journey will be personal and you will be in it for yourself but not by your self.

We have created a phenominal platform an tools to help you acieve the best results, however there are individuals who want more clarity on their lives.
Each of our coaches are qualified not only in their respective field, but also specialise in our 12 step assessment. They can help you immediatly focus on what makes you tick and fast track your process.

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